The Met Office cross-academic partnership (‘SuperRAP’) activity, working with eight partner universities, Defra, the Food Standards Agency, UKRI-BBSRC and the Global Food Security Programme has launched a survey into perceptions of climate change adaptation in the UK food system.
This could include a range of weather and climate extremes (e.g. (heatwave/high temperature including marine; coldwave, snow, low temperature; storm surge; low rainfall and drought; wind and storms; high rainfall and flooding; or compound events and combinations) both within the UK, as well as the international dimensions.
In this context, climate change adaptation refers to any actions or interventions (whether practical, policy or other) that could help build resilience to the changing climate.
The survey will feed into a workshop focused on implementation and delivery of climate change resilience, adaptation and policy measures and their consequences of the whole UK food chain, from farm-to-fork, including consideration of pilot studies and in-practice measures, building on existing and new academic research and evidence